Hey there! Welcome to xhanGRENADE!
Firstly I’d like to thank you for taking interest in my
latest project. The amount of support and praise I’ve received regarding my
writing has been immense, and I can’t thank you all enough!
The reasoning behind my latest writing venture is that I
wish to discuss numerous topics, as opposed to one. Gaming will still be an
important topic within the blog, but I’m hoping to expand the volume of topics that
I write about. Eventually, I also hope to expand the content further by placing
videos and artwork on here!
Hopefully with a wider spectrum of topics to discuss, I’ll
be able to provide content of diverse interests for a larger audience on a
frequent basis. That being said, I’d love feedback and input from anyone who
happens to take an interest in this venture. If you would like to see a
particular topic included on this blog, or have any questions you’d like
answered, the methods in which you can do so are available on the homepage and
are explained in detail at the end of this piece!
I really would love to hear from you, I feel your
suggestions would make interesting material for future writing projects. I’d
like to thank you once again for taking the time to read this piece! Hopefully
you’ll continue reading the content I post here. If you would like to stay up
to date with the happenings of this blog, there are Twitter, Facebook and
Google+ links on the homepage that you can access. I’d appreciate if you gave
them a follow/like etc!
Many thanks again, hope you enjoy getting explosive…
Very nice, looking forward to seeing more frequent content from you. =)
ReplyDeleteKeep the "month aheads" coming. ;)